Vertical vs Horizontal tooth preparation B.O. P. T., Tallinn

Toimumisaeg:5. oktoober  2019
Hestia Hotel Europa, Paadi 5, Tallinn

Dr Stefano Conti

Korraldaja:Biomaterials Latvia


 Kirjeldus: Maht: 9TP, +371 26057601
Dr. Stefano Conti

One day Theoretical and Practical- demonstrative course

Achieving aesthetics around natural teeth and implants is a challenging and demanding procedure.
The course focuses on new Prosthetic protocol for vertical preparation of the tooth, the B.O.P.T. concept
All steps to performe B.O.P.T from tooth preparation to final cementation, will be analysed with clinical cases.
Dynamics of gingival tissue and how it responds to Implant placement from a scientific and clinical perspective, will be discussed
Equal emphasis will be placed on prosthetic and surgical management of soft and hard tissue with Prama Implant, a new generation of Implant with intramucosal emergence profile for simplified implant placement

During the live demonstration Session, all the steps for an ideal Implant positioning (Prama Implant) will be disclosed
During the Practical Session each participant will place Prama Implant on model.
The course is aimed both at beginners and expert dentists who desire to achieve esthetics around natural teeth and implants with predictability, preserving as much as possible biological structures involved

Learning objectives

Delegates will know how to:
Perform the B.O.P.T technique
(tooth preparation-provisional relining-impression-final cementation)
Understand the advantages and limitation of B.O.P.T
Understand Papillae and Facial Gingival Dynamics around natural teeth and implants.
Perform a mnimal invasive surgical approach with intramucosas implants(PRAMA)

09:00-11:00 AM
B.O.P.T Philosophy
-Minimal invasive esthethic dentistry
When and Why prepare a tooth full crown
B.O.P.T Concept:
Limitations and advantages
Vertical vs Horizontal tooth preparation
-Relationship between Crown and natural Tooth
Relationship between Crown and Soft Tissues
Vertical Prep-Coronal and Apical to CEJ
B.O.P.T approach
-Tooth preparation
-Controlled invasion of sulcus
Provisional relining(lab procedure)
-Emergence profile and prosthetic contours
Adaptation profile and soft tissue response
Esthethics around Implants
-Immediate and delayed implants in a fresh extraction socket
-Prosthethic emergence profile of Implant/Abutment
-B.O.P.T around implant and natural tooth
-B.O.P.T around implant and gingival response
-Bone level and Soft tissue level Implants
Intramucosal approach: Prama Implant
Clinical Cases and discussion
11:00 – 13:00 AM
Demonstrative session

14:00- 18:30 PM
Practical Session