Osseodensification – Optimise the Site, Optimise the Outcome (inglise keeles) Tallinn
Toimumisaeg: | 28. november 2020 kell 9:00 – 17:00 |
Toimumiskoht: | Swisshotel Tallinn, Tornimäe 3 |
Lektorid: | Dr. Avi Kuperschlag |
Korraldaja: | Ortostuudio OÜ |
Osavõtutasu: | 398€ |
Kirjeldus: | Maht: 9TP |
Registreerumine: | karin@ortostuudio.ee, tel 533 41 328 |
Objectives Learn and Practice the Clinical Versatility of Osseodensification Learn how we can preserve bone, plastically expand it, and enhance its strength in a controlled method. Discover the effect of Osseodensification on implant total stability development for early and immediate loading Tutvu lähemat- Ortostuudio koolitus 28. novembril |