Advanced aligner therapy: proven protocols for treatment of malocclusions, Vilnius
Toimumisaeg: | 3. juuni , 9:00-17:00 |
Toimumiskoht: | A. Vivulskio 7, Vilnius |
Lektorid: | Vincenzo D’Antò |
Korraldaja: | Ordoline |
Osavõtutasu: | 249€ |
Kirjeldus: | 8 TP |
Registreerumine: | Karoliina +372 5590 1958 |
Vincenzo D’Antò Aligner treatment might seem simple, but every doctor will face challenges with movement predictability and various treatment alternatives. This course will focus on successful treatment of malocclusions and different dental anomalies with aligners. Dr. Vicenzo D’anto will present a number of scientifically and clinically proven treatment protocols to treat diastema, crowding, Class II & Class III malocclusions, anterior and posterior crossbite. Every malocclusion will be analysed from the diagnostic aspect, treatment planning perspective and assessment of the proposed treatment plan with the focus on movement predictability and limitations. The theory will be illustrated with the clinical cases. After the course, the participants will be equipped with better understanding of how various treatment protocols function, which treatment methods can be used to treat different malocclusions successfully and how Ordoline develops treatment plans. The Speaker ![]() Vincenzo D’AntòDr. Vincenzo D’Antò received his Degree in Dentistry, a Specialty in Orthodontics, a Master in Temporomandibular Disorders and a Master in Lingual Orthodontics from the University of Naples Federico II and a Master in Sleep Dentistry from University of Bologna. He completed a PhD in “Materials and Structures Engineering” and a second PhD in “Oral Sciences”. In 2017, Dr. D’Antò received the Italian national scientific qualification as full professor of Oral Sciences and He is currently working as Associate Professor at the School of Orthodontics of University of Naples Federico II. Dr. D’Antò is member of IADR, EOS, AAO, WFO and SIDO. He is the President of the Italian Society for Biomechanics (SIBOS). He authored many papers and has given oral presentations in more than 20 countries and at the international congresses of EOS, AAO, IADR, SIDO, EAS, DGAO, SFOPA, SiAlign, NVvO, HOD. Dr. D’Antò received the Robert Frank Award (2004, 2005, 2009) and the Hatton Award (2006) of IADR, the SIDO award (2007, 2010, 2018, 2018, 2019, 2019), the EOS Houston Award (2012) and the Tiziano Baccetti Award (2016). |