Introduction to orthodontics, Tallinn

Toimumisaeg:8.oktoober, 2022, 9:30-17:30
Toimumiskoht:L’Ermitage hotell, Tallinn
Lektorid:prof. Roberto Rongo (loeng inglise keeles)
Korraldaja:Ordoline Estonia
 Kirjeldus:8 TP

Karoliina +372 5590 1958

This introductive course covers in details the fundamentals of orthodontics, to facilitate the incorporation of orthodontic principles into daily clinical practice. Emphasis will be placed on the clinical examination and the collection of diagnostic records. Participants will be introduced to the biomechanics of dental movements and learn how to assess and diagnose orthodontic problems of growing and adult patients together with potential treatment options.

During this course, participants will learn about:

General introduction to orthodontics
Concepts of growth and development (cranial vault, maxilla, mandible and dentition)
Orthodontic patient examination
Principles of treatment planning

Prof. Roberto Rongo graduated with honors and mention in Dentistry at the University of Naples “Federico II”, PhD in “Oral Sciences”, Specialist in Orthodontics at the School of Orthodontics of the University of Naples “Federico II”. Qualified for the role of Associate Professor

Currently Assistant Professor at the University of Naples “Federico II”. Author of more than 45 scientific articles in international impacted journals, speaker at national and international conferences, referee for international journals, member of the editorial board of the Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. He is an ordinary member of SIDO (Italian Society of Orthodontics), member of EOS (European Society of Orthodontics), member of IADR (International Association of Dental Research).

Program_Roberto Rongo