Perspektiivid perio-implantoloogias ja komplekses hambaravis, Ungari
Toimumisaeg: | 12.-13.05.2017 |
Toimumiskoht: | Szegedi, Ungari |
Korraldaja: | ProImplant OÜ |
Registreerumine: |;; tel: 65 65 983 |
Hind: | ca 1000 € |
Kirjeldus: | |
Lennuinfo: 11.mail kell 13:45-17:50 Tallinn-Frankfurt-Budapest 14.mail kell 12:45-17:15 Budapest-Warssav- TallinnMajutus/3 ööd: 4* hotellis (5-10 min jalutuskäigu kaugusel kongressipaigast)Transfeer Szegedisse: Rong (või tellitud transfeer) ca 2,5 tundiKongressi osalustasu 2 päeval koos piduliku õhtusöögigaPaketi hind orienteeruvalt 1000€ (täpne summa selgub vastavalt lennupiletite hinnale broneerimise hetkel).Kuna kõik head hotellid kongressi paiga läheduses on juba välja müüdud, siis on asjaga suhteliselt kiire. Samuti ei ole priisata heade lennupiletitega. Seega ootan veel teie soove enne lukkupanemist esmaspäevani (20.02.).Sissejuhatus traditsioonilisele üritusele: Perspectives in Perio-Implantology and Comprehensive Dentistry is a well established conference series with longstanding traditions that started back in 2000s in Szeged, Hungary. It provides a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art in perio-implantology and esthetic dentistry, discusses recent advances, current problems and highlights the prospective development of the fields. Both experimental and theoretical aspects are addressed covering mainly fundamental research and practice. The conference covers all aspects of dentistry including implants, functional esthetics, surgical aspects which has been in the focus of the attention of the dental community since it became an everyday issue for many dental professionals. The joint participation of manufacturers offers a clear advantage for both academic and industrial development. The average participation intensity on the conferences is typically about 550-650 participants. Given the international interest in the topics of the conference and that speakers are invited from several countries, high attendance is expected. (Previously Dennis Tarnow, Salama brothers, Nitzan Bichacho, Dubi Schwartz, Stephen Wallace, Frank Schwartz, Daniel Buser, Anton Sculean, Jon Suzuki was also our lecturer just to mention a few names.) For the enjoyment of the participants, we have also planned several social events to make their stay in Szeged a memorable one. It would be a great and pleasure to welcome the representative companies of the Korea Trade Center on our conference, and we will do everything to be able to host the companies in the above mentioned date in Szeged, Hungary.LECTURERS AND TOPICS: Giovanni Zucchelli: Esthetic soft tissue therapy around implants Samuel I. Kratchman: Endodontic microsurgery Camillo D’Arcangelo: Esthetical-Functional-Postural (E.F.P.) rehabilitation using additive solutions: The new challenge of prosthetic dentistry Ronald Jung: Reducing risks in implant dentistry through minimally invasive and innovative approaches Marius Steigmann: Surgical & Prosthetic Soft Tissue Development Gaetano Calesini: Implant dentistry: biomimetic and reverse engineering Henriette Lerner: Biology meets Technology for Perfect Aesthetics Giuseppe Romeo: Technical Diagnostic and Esthetic Approach David A. Cottrell: The Five “C” Concept of Dental Implant Success Luis André Mezzomo: Reducing invasiveness and expanding possibilities with short dental implants – scientific evidences from systematic reviews and clinical trials |