Immediate implants placement. Why? When? How? Tallinn

Toimumisaeg:18. oktoober 2024
Toimumiskoht:Mõisa tn. 4, Tallinn
Lektor:Dr Eirik Aasland Salvesen (koolitus on inglise keeles)
Korraldaja:Straumann Estonia OÜ
 Kirjeldus: Maht: 4 TP
Lisainfo: 519 33 774 või e-mail

Dr. Eirik Aasland Salvesen


Implantology, periodontology.

Experience in implantology:

Dr. Salvesen works in his private practice at Oris Dental in Norway as a Chief Clinical Development Officer.

At the same time dr. Salvesen is an Executive Director of the Oris Academy that has been appointed as «Center of Excellence» for Straumann in the area of immediacy.

Experience in clinics management:

Dr. Salvesen is a co-founder of Oris Dental as a DSO and holds a position of board member at Oris Dental Holding.


Since 2004 dr. Salvesen has lectured worldwide. Main topics: dental implantology, periodontology and augmentation of hard & soft tissues.

In 2015-2016 dr. Salvesen worked as a supervisor for the Specialists’ Program in Periodontology at the University of Bergen, responsible for the surgical implants training of the candidates.

Since 2006 dr. Salvesen has been responsible for surgical courses and lectures for Straumann, as well as for Nobel Biocare and Geistlich.


Dr. Salvesen is an ITI Fellow and participates in products development at Straumann.

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