EHL loengupäev, 10.märts 2017
Toimumisaeg: | 10.03.2017 |
Toimumiskoht: | Dorpat konverentsikeskus, Tartu |
Korraldaja: | Eesti Hambaarstide Liit |
Eesti Hambaarstide Liidul on hea meel kutsuda Teid osalema meie loengupäeval.
09:20 | Hommikukohv, kogunemine, registreerimine |
09:55 | Tervitussõnad |
10:00 – 11:00 | Eesti Haigekassa lepingud ja hinnakiri Maivi Parv – Eesti haigekassa juhatuse liige Tiia Zeigo – Vanemusaldusarst Diskussioon (tõlkega vene keelde) |
11:00 – 12:30 | Multidistsiplinaarne lähenemine erivajadustega lastele hambaravis – Prof. Joseph Shapira, Heebrea Ülikool, Hadassah/ Israel; inglise keeles, sünkroontõlkega |
12:30 – 13:30 | LÕUNA |
13:30 – 14:30 | Kuidas oma kliinikut edukalt turundada? – Andres Kuusik, TÜ majandusteaduskonna turunduse õppetooli juhataja |
14:30 – 15:30 | Toidutalumatus või toiduallergia? – dr Tiia Voor, TÜ Kliinikumi Lastekliinik |
15:30 – 16:00 | KOHVIPAUS |
16:00 – 17:00 | Vältimatu abi suuõõne valu korral – dots Taavo Seedre, TÜ Hambarstiteaduse instituut |
17:00 | Päeva kokkuvõte |
- Korraldajal on õigus teha kavas muudatusi
12.12.2016 – 31.01.2017 | 01. – 28.02.2017 | Kohapeal | |
EHL liige | 60€ | 70€ | 80€ |
EHL mitteliige | 120€ | 140€ | 160€ |
Õde, üliõpilane | 30€ | 40€ | 50€ |
Tõlkeaparatuur | 15€ | 15€ |
Joseph Shapira DMD Professor in Pediatric Dentistry, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Hebrew University-Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel | ![]() |
1946 born in Jerusalem
1973 DMD degree, The Hebrew University Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel.
1977-79 Post-graduate and residency program specializing in Dentistry for Children, with special emphasis on Dentistry for the Handicapped and High-Risk Patients, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania.
1979 Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry
Prof. Shapira has published more than 100 articles in refereed International Journals, and lectured around the world on subjects dealing principally in evaluating and comparing sedative agents for management of anxiety and behavior control in pediatric dental patients, and dentistry for special needs and high risk medically compromised patients (status, treatment and prevention of dental diseases).
He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Adkan Refuat Shinaim (in Hebrew), and is a member of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.
Clinical Research Interests
– Evaluation and comparison of sedative agents for the management of anxiety and controlling of behavior in young pediatric dental patients.
– A comprehensive team approach for treatment of the special needs and high- risk pediatric patients.
– Parotid saliva in individuals with Down Syndrome: salivary flow of immune response.
– Correlation between cytokine levels of erupting primary teeth and systemic disturbances accompanying teething
Public activity:
Dentistry for children with developmental disabilities – prevention and treatment of oral disease