Dr Tif Qureshi ja dr Shiraz Khan orto-restauratiivse hambaravi meistriklass, Tallinn
Toimumisaeg: | 16.-17. mai 2025 |
Toimumiskoht: | Tallinn, Türi 10c, Proimplant koolitusklass |
Lektor: | Dr Tif Qureshi ja dr Shiraz Khan |
Korraldaja: | ProOrtho OÜ |
Osavõtutasu: | 1350€+KM |
Kirjeldus: | 16 TP |
Registreerumine: | https://www.clearx.ee/koolitus/abbvol2 Kontakt: 6535884, minec@proimplant.ee |
![]() IAS Academy uus Tase 2 orto-restauratiivne koolitus baseerub ülipopulaarsel Align, Bleach & Bond koolitusel. ABB kontseptsiooni mõju hambaravitööstusele ei saa alahinnata – tänaseks kasutavad seda kombineeritud raviprotokolli – ortodontilist JA restauratiivset hambaravi – oma igapäevatöös tuhanded hambaarstid. Tase 2 orto-restauratiivne koolitus viib selle koolituse kõrgemale tasemele – vaatleme keerukamaid juhtumeid ja kasutame edasijõudnud tehnikaid. Tase 2 koolitus sukeldub sügavamale Dahli printsiipi, heidab põhjaliku pilgu komposiitlaminaatidele, annab põhjalikuma arusaama oklusioonist ning õpetabmetoodikat raviplaanide planeerimiseks (predictable treatment planning). See koolitus on oluline, et aidata teil, hambaarstidel, pakkuda palju rohkematele patsientidele eetilist, esteetilist ja pikaajalist ravi, mida patsiendid saavad endale ka lubada. TASE 2 ORTO-RESTAURATIIVSEL KOOLITUSEL ÕPID:
PROGRAMM![]() Dr Tif Qureshi Dr Tif Qureshi, a 1992 graduate of Kings College London, is a Past President of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. He is the founder and Clinical Director of IAS Academy, an international faculty providing mentored education for general dentists in simple to comprehensive orthodontics. With a keen interest in simple orthodontics and minimally invasive dentistry, Dr Qureshi has pioneered techniques like Progressive Smile Design through Alignment, Bleaching, and Bonding – a course that combines tooth alignment, composite bonding and teeth whitening to produce superior smiles using techniques with the absolute minimum of invasiveness available today. He is also an expert in the Dahl concept, demonstrating its use in creating beautiful smiles with minimal invasiveness. A respected lecturer and author, Dr Qureshi shares his expertise globally, empowering dentists to deliver effective, minimally invasive and patient-friendly treatments. Dr Shiraz Khan Dr Shiraz Khan, a 2013 graduate of the University of Birmingham Dentistry School, completed restorative dentistry training at Croydon University Hospital and Guy’s and St Thomas. Renowned as an engaging international speaker, his highlights include addressing Excida’s 75th annual congress in Tehran. He holds a master’s with distinction in restorative dentistry from the University of Birmingham. Dr Khan has received multiple awards, including Dentistry Awards’ Best Young Dentist, Rising European Star, and the Fast Track 4 Award for his leadership potential. He is the director of the Young Dentist Academy and practices at Devonshire Place, Chelsea and Fulham. Tutvu lähemalt siin: https://www.clearx.ee/koolitus/abbvol2 |