Implant-supported final restorations in esthetic area

Toimumisaeg:13 .detsember 2019
Lektorid:Egle Vindasiute-Narbute, Phd, DDS
Korraldaja:Med Grupe OÜ
Osavõtutasu:175 €
 Kirjeldus: Maht: 9 TP / (+372) 56695443, 5288880, 5082159

We would like to invite you to  one day course about implant-supported final restorations. It is the second part of the series “Anterior implant esthetics” in Tallinn. During this day you will get all necessary information not only about selection of the material for a permanent crown or bridge, but also many useful tips about stable impression, construction and shape of the restoration.

Üritus toimub inglise keeles (tõlketa).

Asukoht: Täpsustamisel.

Üritus algab kell 9.00

Rohkem informatsiooni ja registreerimine: / (+372) 56695443, 5288880, 5082159