3 Series master program in fixed prosthodontics – Moodul 1

A comprehensive treatment plan for extensive rehabilitations: aesthetic and functional evaluation

Toimumiskoht:Pesaro, Itaalia
Korraldaja:ACE Institute
Osalejate arv: 28
The aim of this 3-Series course is to outline a systematic approach to prosthetic rehabilitation and help the clinician to confidently address comprehensive treatments involving bridges, crowns, veneers and onlays on natural dentition and on implants, from a single restoration to a full-mouth rehabilitation.

The ideal treatment plan must be drawn up following careful aesthetic, functional, and structural analysis and with the aid of radiographic examinations and stone casts mounted on the articulator by means of correct use of the face bow. The variations necessary for optimizing the case must be transferred to the technician by carefully filling in the laboratory checklist, to create the diagnostic wax-up that will have to incorporate all of the modifications requested by the clinician. Fabricating the provisional restoration by the MIT technique, aside from ensuring a correct fit in the oral cavity, will give the clinician the opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness and the validity of the variations made, making it possible to achieve adequate aesthetic – functional integration.