3 Series master program in fixed prosthodontics – Fradeani Education
Toimumisaeg: | 22. – 25. juuni 2016 ; 27. – 30. juuli 2016 ; 7. – 10. september 2016 |
Toimumiskoht: | ACE Institute, Corso XI Settembre, 92 – Pesaro, Italy |
Lektor: | Dr. Mauro Fradeani, Dr. Leonardo Bacherini, Dr. Roberto Turrini, Dr. Francesco Mintrone, Dr. Stefano Gori, Dr. Giacomo Fabbri, Dr. Tiziano Bombardelli |
Korraldaja: | Fradeani Education |
Osavõtutasu: | Terve programm (12 päeva) – 9900 eur Üksik moodul (4 päeva) – 3900 eur |
Veebileht: | http://www.fradeanieducation.com/en/3-series-master-program-in-fixed-prosthodontics/ |
The aim of this 3-Series course is to outline a systematic approach to prosthetic rehabilitation and help the clinician to confidently address comprehensive treatment involving bridges, crowns, veneers and onlays on natural dentition and on implants, from a single restoration to full-mouth rehabilitation.
The application of a tried and tested system, experimented for 30 years, represents, especially for complex rehabilitations, an indispensable means of achieving optimal fi nal results, from theesthetic as well as biological and functional viewpoints. The prosthetic treatment plan must allow an ideal integration of esthetics, biological and functional requirements on natural teeth and on implants. The esthetic analysis, thanks to a simple and systematic approach to assessing facial, dento-labial, phonetic, dental and gingival factors, will allow to optimize the prosthetic treatment plan. To this end, after fi lling in the esthetic checklist, the laboratory checklist is employed, a device as functional as it is indispensable for communicating with the dental technician in an exhaustive and effective manner. The scrupulous compilation of this checklist will allow the clinician to specify clearly any request and modifi cation, in order to create an ideal diagnostic wax-up. Containing all the variations necessary for optimizing the results of the rehabilitation, the laboratory checklist will consequently ensure the development of a provisional restoration that can be fi tted into the mouth in the same position as the technician intended it in the articulator. Biofunctional provisionals serve as blueprint for the defi nite prosthesis providing all information about shape, position, emergence profi les, arrangement of teeth and non-destructive occlusion especially in challenging clinical situations. Material selection with the dental ceramist is fundamental in management of complex rehabilitation cases with porcelain crowns, bridges, implant abutments and veneers. The use of metal-free ceramic materials allows to achieve excellent esthetic results in the anterior area for crowns and veneers fabrication. Nowadays an innovative operative protocol allows to face highly compromised clinical situations, with a minimally invasive prosthetic procedure (MIPP) that guarantees an excellent, long lasting esthetic result and a better acceptance of the treatment by the patient. Clinical and technical suggestions for obtaining esthetic and durable results will be supplied.
22 – 23 – 24 – 25 June 2016
Module I
A comprehensive treatment plan for extensive rehabilitations: esthetic and functional evaluation
27 – 28 – 29 – 30 July 2016
Module II
Esthetic, functional and biologic integration of the prosthetic rehabilitation on natural dentition and implants
7 – 8 – 9 – 10 September 2016
Module III
Ceramic material selection from single restoration to full-mouth rehabilitation

Dr. Mauro Fradeani
After graduating in medecine and surgery in 1979, Mauro Fradeani completed a specialization in Dentistry at the University of Ancona, Italy in 1983. Past President of EAED European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (biennial 2003/2004) and Past President of AIOP Accademia Italiana di Odontoiatria Protesica (biennial 1999/2000).

He received his dental technology certificate in 1988 at Istituto Tecnico Leonardo da Vinci in Florence, and after graduating in Dentistry at the University of Florence in 1995, he followed several annual and biennial postgraduate programs with highly qualified Italian lecturers.
other speakers

Dr. Roberto Turrini
He graduated in Dentistry at the University of Florence in 2004. Since 2005 he has been working as a collaborator in Dr. Mauro Fradeani’s office in Pesaro, Italy. He has attended several courses in Italy and abroad on prosthodontics, implantology and esthetic dentistry and he has followed Dr.Fradeani’s annual program on fixed prosthodontics.

Dr. Francesco Mintrone
He started his activity as a dental technician and then specialized as a ceramist in fixed prosthesis. After graduating in Dentistry at the University of Modena, Italy, he attended several courses on prosthetic dentistry and implant surgery.

Dr. Stefano Gori
After graduating summa cum laude in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Florence in 1986, he followed several postgraduate programs with highly qualified lecturers in Italy, Sweden and in the United States.

Dr. Giacomo Fabbri
He graduated with honours in dentistry and dental prosthodontics at the University of Pavia. He is an active member of the Italian Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry (A.I.O.P), a prestigious scientific Academy in the field of esthetic and prosthetic dentistry.

Dr. Tiziano Bombardelli
Dr. Tiziano Bombardelli graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Pavia (1981) and he specialized
in Dentistry at the University of Milan (1984). From 1985 until 2013 he followed several annual postgraduate programs in the elds of conservative dentistry, prosthodontics, perio-pros and implantology.