EHP eelkursus 2023: Ortho Restorative dentistry for every dentist and every patient, 24. august Tartu (loeng inglise keeles)
Toimumisaeg: | 24. august 2023, kl. 10 – 17.30 |
Toimumiskoht: | TÜ raamatukogu konverentsikeskus, Konverentsi saal, W. Struve 1, Tartu |
Korraldaja: | Eesti Hambaarstide Liit |
Lektorid: | Tif Qureshi (loeng inglise keeles) |
Kirjeldus: | 8 TP |
Eelkursuse info:

Tif Qureshi
Dr Tif Qureshi qualified from Kings College London in 1992. He is a private practitioner based near London, Uk and is one of the Past Presidents of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. He sits on the board of the British Association of Private Dentistry. He is also a Fellow of the International College of Dentists. Tif is also the winner of several prestigious awards including the SverkerPrize in Sweden and the Lifetime Contribution to Aesthetic Dentistry in the UK.
He is a clinical director of IAS Academy, an international faculty that provides mentored education for general dentists on a pathway from appropriate simple to comprehensive restoratively focused orthodontics. Tif helps to lead an educates network of trainers and mentors internationally ensuring quality delivery of education and ongoing mentoring. Tif has a special interest in orthodontics and truly minimally invasive restorative dentistry. He is also interested in monitoring the the long term benefits of this kind of scalable interceptive treatment.
He has committed his life’s work to empowering dentists to offer a wide variety of treatments to many more patients. Tif was the original global pioneer of the Align, Bleach. Bond concept and Progressive Smile Design and teaches widely using clear aligners. He is also an experienced teacher in the Dahl concept to assist in minimally invasive, patient-centred dentistry. Tif lectures extensively internationally and has had many articles published on all these subjects.
Slow continued tooth movement combined with occlusal degradation is one of dentistry’s biggest blindspots. The long term aesthetic and functional affect of this can be devastating but also can be treated simply and early.
This seminar will show how carrying out combined or separate simple direct restorative bonding, and planned orthodontics can provide safe aesthetic and functional dentistry which is accessible to many more patients.
It will cover the functional benefits of the interceptive treatment of wear, and principles of the alignment, bleach, bonding concept creating simpler safer and more affordable realistic options for many more patients and which can be carried out by any dentist.
Aims and Objectives
To understand the affect of continued tooth movement and slow occlusal changes.
To highlight the planning protocols of simple occlusion- driven anterior alignment methodology using digital arch evaluation and 3d printing
To consider the protection of guidance and the long term function via planning and retention methodology.
To outline the use of edge bonding as a viable non invasive aesthetic and functional tool for cosmetic dentistry and occlusal treatment via the Dahl principle.
To understand how align bleach and bond can totally change the way we approach all cases not just cosmetic ones.
Added Learning content
Tif will show how imaging and communication can be used as part of every single checkup to build a large list of educated patients who are highly aware of what is going on dentally and arguably more likely to choose an interceptive treatment as a result, using images gathered over 20 years. This can completely replace dental charting and is far superior for real monitoring of tooth wear and other dental changes He will also outline some of the simple functional checks he uses to monitor and educate patients about the long term functional changes with the goal of preventing any patient ever needing rehabilitation treatments.
10.00 – 11.30 kursus
11.30 – 11.45 kohvipaus
11.45 – 13.00 kursus
13.00 – 14.00 lõuna
14.00 – 15.30 kursus
15.30 – 15.45 kohvipaus
15.45 – 17.30 kursus
EHL liige | 300€ |
EHL mitteliige | 450€ |
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EHP 2023 osavõtutasude tagastamise kord:
– kuni 30. juuni 2023 makstakse tagasi 75% osalustasust
– alates 01. juuli – 6. august 2023 makstakse tagasi 50% osalustasust
– alates 6. august 2023 tagasimakseid ei teostata.